Web Search Tools

A “whole web” search engine. Actually, it cannot search the hidden web, i.e. web pages blocked by login or registration requirements.
Google Advanced Search
Narrow your search results by setting more specific parameters.
Duck Duck Go
A “do not track” search engine created for those who don’t want their searching activities monitored.
A search engine that puts results into clusters and allows you to limit your search by subject or topic.
Google Scholar
Searches articles, theses, books, abstracts, and court opinions from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities, and other web sites. Due to copyright law, many of the sources appear as abstracts or in partial form, yet there are also many complete sources.

Web and Social Media Evaluation Tools

Web Evaluation Criteria (.doc) – Guidelines for evaluating websites

Evaluating Social Media Postings (.doc) – A question-based worksheet

WebEvaluation Checklist (.rtf) – A checklist developed by the University of California Berkley

Web Evaluation Questions  (.doc) – A question-based worksheet

Media Literacy and Fact-checking Sites

FactCheck.org: Fake News




Instructional Resources

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